
Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The dead walker PART 1.

The dead walker: PART 1.

It was 8 in the morning, a farm boy named Jack had awoken. Jack heard his sister May dash from her bed, out of the room before Jack could even blink . May was the first one up, in fact she was always up early, again and again.  Jack was always late to get up in the morning, because he had been walking in the woods LATE at night. Mum was making fresh eggs and crispy bacon for breakfast, May had already brushed her teeth,eaten her breakfast and slipped outside, she found her favourite spot in the meadow and unfolded the picnic mat. She lay down to watch the clouds to see if they would make a bunny, she liked bunnies.    

The lad was no where done. Infact he was still the bathroom bushing his teeth but then he noticed something outside the window. It was not something it was … someone, it was a man. He was huge and had long hair, he was trolling around the woods then suddenly stopped and slowly turned around to the window. he could see his face but he was so scared that he rubbed his eyes and then look back out the window, there was nothing . Jack quickly brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, rushed out the door to see if May was alright. Just before Jack could step through the open doors, May rushed in screaming, into her room and covered herself with blankets. Jack found her and couldn't do anything about it but he could see how terrified May was. He looked outside and he could see the man he saw before, he was walking like a zombie, so he thought he probably was a zombie. Jack was froze in on the ground, but instead he looked at his face, his face, it looked like… his dad! It was his dad, he was hurt.

Jack rushed to him, to help his dad, he fell to the ground trying to crawl to the farm. “Dad what happened, was that you looking at the bathroom window?” Jack’s dad said “yes I was trying to hunt down a deer, just get me ice!” he said tiredly. Jack was frightened about his dad, usually his dad always stays calm even if a bad problem just got worse . Jack felting something bad about his dad…“is this my REAL dad or not? ” jack thought to himself.     

To be continued?…

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