Welcome to my blog! I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 5 and my teacher is Mrs Ilaoa.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Word Problems
Word Problems, you think you can handle the knowledge of the word Problems! Yes, No maybe? Well lets see about that.
Time for decimals
Time for decimals! So let test your brain and see if you have knowledge on decimals.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Tonga vs England
WALT - I am able to identify the ideas opinions of author and share my own in comparison.
Tonga vs England was it a win? well have a peek at my slides and see who won.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Carnivorous Plants
WALT: Finding evidence in a text. We were learning about
Carnivorous Plants here they eat and how they survive.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Final Test practice
We're at the beginning of testing and all ready I going great! I think, but anyways as you can see here this is my Test Practice number 3. This is term 4 so we're gonna have to work hard and just stick with the result. So please see if I'm right and please comment below for the right answer, enjoy!
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Test Prep #2
Test Prep #2: getting ready for our testes and more. Let me test your brain and see what you know best about math.
A.I.M for success!
A + I = M, what does that mean? well I'll tell you what, one of the teachers from Auckland grammar school, Mr Patterson came to talk about launching the future. So A.I.M mean of course aim, but I'm going to talk about the formula of success!
A is for Aspiration, Aspiration is what make you wake up from bed. It's like waking up and visioning the day, what your going to do and what your going to became.
I is for Inspiration, take today for example, Mr Patterson showed us a video about the boy name Willie giving a homeless man lunch and money for two week. I was Inspired for Willie giving lunch and money is a blessing.
And last but not lease M is for Motivation. What Motivation? It's an idea or a goal for each and every person. Motivation is within but in other word, Intrinsic. Intrinsic is another word for within and the opposite is extrinsic.
A is for Aspiration, Aspiration is what make you wake up from bed. It's like waking up and visioning the day, what your going to do and what your going to became.
I is for Inspiration, take today for example, Mr Patterson showed us a video about the boy name Willie giving a homeless man lunch and money for two week. I was Inspired for Willie giving lunch and money is a blessing.
And last but not lease M is for Motivation. What Motivation? It's an idea or a goal for each and every person. Motivation is within but in other word, Intrinsic. Intrinsic is another word for within and the opposite is extrinsic.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Test Practice 2017
Hey! Yes it's that time again... testes are back. But no worries we're ready for anything and here my proof.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Week 1, Term 4, Statistics
Hi my name is Christian. Let me test your brain and see what you know about STATISTICS.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Niuean Language week!
Hey! It's the end of the first week of term 4 2017 and it's Niue language week! First things first, we had the New Zealand national anthem At Assembly and every thing else. For Niue language week and every Language week has a performance.
The Performance was so Amazing, it was like watching pros at the Niuean dances. Soon after a beautiful dance the music stared to change and the boys came from behind and did the haka. I bet some people were Scare, I know I was. I don't know what but I can tell this, never underestimate Niuean!
The Performance was so Amazing, it was like watching pros at the Niuean dances. Soon after a beautiful dance the music stared to change and the boys came from behind and did the haka. I bet some people were Scare, I know I was. I don't know what but I can tell this, never underestimate Niuean!
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Statistics and Probability math.
My name is Christian this presentation is about somethings that can be possible or impossible. Also there are things like likely unlikely and chance this presentation. This tells these things as well. Let me give you an example possible : means things that you do. For example things that you do can be possible some people say it might be possible if you believe well don't do that because it either possible or not.
Next is Impossible:Impossible is when you likely want to do something but It can't be possible if that makes sense. Another thing about Impossible is that if you want to jump off a tall tower it's Impossible to survive And I'm pretty sure No one can survive a fall. Now the next one is Likely:Likely is something that might happened like possible but possible it can happened, but likely is something that MIGHT happened chocolate you might likely have chocolate everyday if that makes sense. If you have another resin then yeah.
Next is Impossible:Impossible is when you likely want to do something but It can't be possible if that makes sense. Another thing about Impossible is that if you want to jump off a tall tower it's Impossible to survive And I'm pretty sure No one can survive a fall. Now the next one is Likely:Likely is something that might happened like possible but possible it can happened, but likely is something that MIGHT happened chocolate you might likely have chocolate everyday if that makes sense. If you have another resin then yeah.
Musical Madness, term 4 2017
Hey hey hey! It’s that time again and were back in 2017 term 4! Yes I know it’s last but we just have to suck it in and go right though. Today we had a Immersion assembly and the tiled is “Musical madness”.
Our focus was the almost the same as the others "How do composers use music to evoke an emotional response in an audience". All the other teams just said it easier for the little ones. The most entertaining one was our one of course, but I like the others one as well. Team 5 ( AKA: us) had a act, and there was a family and three teacher were the children and there was a mum and a dad.
The act was so funny, they were watching the lion king and there were watching the start how simba was rises. Soon after they watched the first part the music stared to change, to all kind. Scary, funny, even to the "let it go" song. I can tell this, Term 4 2017 will be the last, but the best!
So Stay tune for update cause we'er gonna save the best for last!
I wonder how we're going to learn through music? well the answer was revealed today in our Assembly. Every teacher was dress up, The principal (Mr Burt) was dress and a funky looking as usual and funny wig and dress up filled the side of the hall. Every team had a focus and turn it into Entertainment.
Our focus was the almost the same as the others "How do composers use music to evoke an emotional response in an audience". All the other teams just said it easier for the little ones. The most entertaining one was our one of course, but I like the others one as well. Team 5 ( AKA: us) had a act, and there was a family and three teacher were the children and there was a mum and a dad.
The act was so funny, they were watching the lion king and there were watching the start how simba was rises. Soon after they watched the first part the music stared to change, to all kind. Scary, funny, even to the "let it go" song. I can tell this, Term 4 2017 will be the last, but the best!
So Stay tune for update cause we'er gonna save the best for last!
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Ratio and Proportion word problems.
Come on, let's test your brain about Ratio and proportion problems. What we had to do was to just answers, enjoy.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Flounder fishing.
The flounder event.
Wednesday 2017, 27 of September and wet shoes every where! The clouds scattered the sky and cover the sun and it was a good day to fish for some flounders.
Today Pt England school walk down to riverside ave, why you say? All because of flounders, a small group of ours went to fish for some flounders not to kill but to farm. before we went down we lined up orderly fashion, Youngest to oldest and had to keep real quiet. Finally we got there on Riki road and went past some houses.
Our small group used our some thing called a drag net. When we got there we sang a himene ( prayer) and a karakia ( hymn) we got mixed up in the words but it was all right.
Wednesday 2017, 27 of September and wet shoes every where! The clouds scattered the sky and cover the sun and it was a good day to fish for some flounders.
Today Pt England school walk down to riverside ave, why you say? All because of flounders, a small group of ours went to fish for some flounders not to kill but to farm. before we went down we lined up orderly fashion, Youngest to oldest and had to keep real quiet. Finally we got there on Riki road and went past some houses.
Our small group used our some thing called a drag net. When we got there we sang a himene ( prayer) and a karakia ( hymn) we got mixed up in the words but it was all right.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Speech Reflection.
It was 2017, 25th of August and every literacy class was focusing on oral language, which is speeches. Every room had 3 top students and had performed in front of team five. This competition was clean and simple, everyone give their speech.
Up first was Amelia, her speech was a personal story. It was about her grandma coming and clean up at school, and how she was happy and excited to clean. Then she talked about her mum coming to school to help,it was a very good and also sad.
The most interesting person was sheena, her topic was can money buy happiness. The most funny person was muba and his topic was, if he was president for one day.
As the day went past the speeches are almost finished, the judges are designing how going to be winner, by this is as far as I go. This is my speech but it didn’t make it to the finals, enjoy.
Why do students hate school?
Quick question, why do people hate school…do you? Of course, you do, but is school important or is it just a waste of time? And are we really learning anything? Well, let me tell you why our school is important to you.
School is like a ticket to life, a journey, a memory.But in the other hands, A number of students want to skip or even worse, drop out. But there’s alway a reason why there are bullies, it’s boring and even that sleeping habits well you know I do, but anyway there's still there’s a whole much more. Whatever it is, there is always a solution, there is alway a way to solve it.
A lot of kids are getting bullied, and that’s one of the reasons why students are skipping. We all heard of tips like stop, think and do, and use your W.I.T.S right? Well at this stage the little ones are simply forgetting and are fighting, being disrespectful to each other and to teachers. It’s our job is to remind them the pt England way.
Another thing is our education, We’re just students and we need this for every step in our lives. You skip school you won’t learn anything, in my opinion, that’s true like there might be a huge activity and you miss it. All I can say is why the school of is important and you have a whole future to prepare for.
School is changing our lives as we know it, we're learning every day at school. For example, from year 1, your ABC's, you're reading, even what 2 + 2 = (by the way it’s a fish). If you think your teacher is the toughest, wait until you get a boss. So enjoy being young and turn on your brain because of your need everything to get a job.
And this my friends brings us to the end of my speech. So, skipping school what for? After all of this you’re know what to do when it come to school. Did you learn anything from my speech, if yes what was my main Idea and tips? If this help you learn in school then you're welcome, Amen.
By: Christian Mafoe siolo lilo.
Friday, 22 September 2017
The reason for Manaiakalani film festival
How do schools celebrate, by creating movies. The movies can be anything with anyone,and with this year in Pt England school room 3 movie is going to be challenge, a laugh and a memory. Parts of making our movie were difficult in many ways, such as forgetting lines and trying hard not to laugh. It was tricky bring the group together because there was other commitments like sport and much more. So the Manaiakalani film festival is held in Sylvia Park mall Auckland.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Pt England school@AIMS
YES! We won the AIMS games final against Tauranga, here's my slide about an article about pt England.
Elections 2017
Elections, what about it? Well let test you knowledge with Elections 2017
By Christian,
Elections 2017.,
room 3
Friday, 15 September 2017
Night Light.
this is my slides about the phase of the moon. Our task was to learn the phases of moon
Cross country (first part)
This is my first part of my story (recount), but I'm still working on it. We had our cross country
On the first of September there was our 2017 cross Courtney, also known as a fun run. Bright house colours filled the courts, all around you could see all is funky wig and cool costumes everywhere. From year one to year 8, every one had to run. First was year one, they were a small group and had a little way but had a big run ( well for them). I don’t know who came first, but it was a heck of a show, everyone zooming in the finish line, trying to outrun each other at the end.
Time have past and it was hotter than usual. In my head what was worse? Waiting in the sun for age or run 3km, well we had both.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Multiplication Pyramid
This is my Multiplication Pyramid, our task was to times the numbers below. enjoy!
WALT:Converting units of measure.
Our task was to use the rulers and lengths the measure things. This is my slides about the measuring.
Monday, 4 September 2017
My final speech.
This is my new and final speech, this was from the last one a 28 of July. I added and delete some of my ideas and tips, So enjoy!
Why do students hate school?
Quick question, why do people hate school…do you? Of course, you do, but is school important or is it just a waste of time? And are we really learning anything? Well, let me tell you why our school is important to you.
School is like a ticket to life, a journey, a memory.But in the other hands, A number of students want to skip or even worse, drop out. But there’s alway a reason why there are bullies, it’s boring and even that sleeping habits well you know I do, but anyway there's still there’s a whole much more. Whatever it is, there is always a solution, there is alway a way to solve it.
A lot of kids are getting bullied, and that’s one of the reasons why students are skipping. We all heard of tips like stop, think and do, and use your W.I.T.S right? Well at this stage the little ones are simply forgetting and are fighting, being disrespectful to each other and to teachers. It’s our job is to remind them the pt England way.
Another thing is our education, We’re just students and we need this for every step in our lives. You skip school you won’t learn anything, in my opinion, that’s true like there might be a huge activity and you miss it. All I can say is why the school of is important and you have a whole future to prepare for.
School is changing our lives as we know it, we're learning every day at school. For example, from year 1, your ABC's, you're reading, even what 2 + 2 = (by the way it’s a fish). If you think your teacher is the toughest, wait until you get a boss. So enjoy being young and turn on your brain because of your need everything to get a job.
And this my friends brings us to the end of my speech. So, skipping school what for? After all of this you’re know what to do when it come to school. Did you learn anything from my speech, if yes what was my main Idea and tips? If this help you learn in school then you're welcome, Amen.
By: Christian Mafoe siolo lilo.
By Christian,
My final speech.,
room 3,
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
I wonder movie.
This Is my 'I wonder movie", and what we had to do was to make a qestion and put it into a movie.
My qestion is "Where do meteors come from".
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Christian and noah Fractions : Word Problems
Today I worked this problem On Screencastify, Watch this video to hear and see how I solved this
Friday, 4 August 2017
The space race
what do you know about "the space race"? Let's test your brain, read my google slides and find out the answer to you questions. Hope you enjoy!
By Christian,
room 3,
The space race.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Friday, 28 July 2017
Why do people hate school?
Why do people hate school? I’m one of those kids and I still come! but is it important... or is it just a waste of time? Do people like learning anything? Well here are some reasons why kids hate school and why school is important.
School is like a ticket to life, a journey, a memory. You go to school to learn and have fun with friends, But some people are thinking about skipping school. The question is WHY? Is it because there’s too much drama or is it the classes you go to, whatever it is, there is always a solution, there is always a way to solve it.
Here are some reasons why people hate school and to solved the problem. First: getting bullied. A lot of kid are getting bullied and that’s the reason kids are skipping. Here’s the plan Use your W.I.T.S, that all there is and if someone is making trouble use these and remember. “W” is walk away from the person that’s making trouble, “I” is ignore the person. “T” is to talk about it with the person or another student. Last but not least “S” is to seek for help from an adult or a teacher.
Another one is: being to cool. Boys and girls are trying to be too cool and they think about skipping school is one of their plans. You can say their cool be it’s better to be intelligent. If you don’t go to school for one day, you have to have a note for the teacher, to explain the reason why you didn’t go school. If you skip school, first ask yourself, what for, Why do the wrong thing When you got a life ahead of you and future to prepare for.
So... Did you learn anything from this writing? What was the main Idea? Does this help you learn in school, if it did then you're welcome and also remember to use your W.I.T.S!
Monday, 24 July 2017
The first day of term 3!
The first day of term 3 The immersion assembly kick off with a bang. The hall became dark and with a Space ship flying across the hall, we were attacked by aliens! But lucky we were saved by Mr Somerville and Mr Jacobsen "defenders of the galaxy" . The immersion assembly kick off with a bang, and we were ready to learn. This term were learning about "planet Earth and beyond". There was 5 teams to be exact and each one had a focus on the tile "guardians of the galaxy". The most Informative team was team four. Team four had a movie about the accidents in spaces and how they can learn from it and be a "guardian of the galaxy".
The most entertaining was out of team 5. Team 5 had a very funny item, they had a song how far i'll go parody. Term one is focusing on learning about the sun, the moon and outer space, Team two is pretty the same as Term one and Term three is about the day of our live how it can change in outer space. Team four is learning about the accidents and hot they can learn from them, but last but not least team 5 (the best) hand a the song how far i'll go parody.
WLJ activity 2 day 3.
This is another Winter Learning Journey activity 2 on day 3. I think we should kill all of them and these are my three reasons why.
1. they are threat to the NZ threes and can be a theft.
2. they can be dangerous to New Zealand and to people.
3. it's to ugly to see.
1. they are threat to the NZ threes and can be a theft.
2. they can be dangerous to New Zealand and to people.
3. it's to ugly to see.
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Winter Learning Learning Day 3,Activity 1.
Hello everybody! This blog is a Winter learning Journey activity. The task is you have to adopt an native bird and I decided to adopt an Tuatara . The Tuatara is a very ancient reptiles, it eats weta, moths and beetles. Tuatara can live up to one hundred years,one hundred years! They once lived all over New Zealand but
now they now live on offshore Islands.
now they now live on offshore Islands.
Thursday, 20 July 2017
WLJ Bonus activity day 2.
What going On everyone today is another activity form Winter Learning Journey. This is my interview with one of my family member, my little brother Giovanni.
favourite things to do:
Giovanni like to ride his bike in his free time and practice his Drop-kicking skills. He like to pass the rugby ball and play tag with the neighbours. Giovanni also like to play "the floor is lava".
favourite things to do:
Giovanni like to ride his bike in his free time and practice his Drop-kicking skills. He like to pass the rugby ball and play tag with the neighbours. Giovanni also like to play "the floor is lava".
WLJ day 2 activity 2.
Hey everyone this is another Winter Learning Journey activity, day 2 activity 2. here's my five questions for the interview with Laura Dekker.
1. When did you learn how to sail?
2. Was it scary to sail around the world?
3. what did you love about your trip?
4. who was your role model in sail?
5. How old were you when you started sailing?
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
WLJ 2017 weekly activities, day 2 activity 1.
Winter Learning Journey bonus Activity day 1.
Hey everyone, Last year, the Prime Minister of New Zealand suggested that we should replace the flag with a new, updated design. He invited everyone in New Zealand to come up with their own flag design and submit it. So I can up with a flag of my own, enjoy!
Monday, 17 July 2017
Winter learning Journey activity.
Hey everyone This is my five favourite thing to in Auckland.
1: Walk along mission bay and go for a long swim.
2. Go to rainbow's end and have a good play.
3. Have a ride in the city and go up the sky tower.
4. Enjoy the view on the harbour bridge.
5. Go to the zoo , enjoy the animals and have a blast.
This was my activity form Winter learning Journey enjoy!
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